Meaning of Vocational Guidance - encyclopedia - 2023



What is Vocational Guidance:

Vocational guidance It is a process by means of which the young person or adolescent is helped in clarifying their aptitudes to exercise a trade or profession.

It consists of a set of practices and activities that aim to explore the interests of the person, as well as analyze the existing academic offer and the real opportunities in the labor market.

Vocational guidance, generally, is aimed at young people who are close to finishing high school and entering university.

The goal of vocational guidance It is to guide the young person in the process of choosing a profession that is consistent with their interests, abilities and possibilities. This means that it is important to adjust the vocation to the job skills of the person based on the needs of the job market.

Vocational guidance, in addition to assisting in the choice of profession, can also accompany the individual in the preparation process, access to professional practice and subsequent evolution within the career.

The search for a vocation is an individual process, where each person must develop an adequate concept of himself, his abilities and skills, and his role in the productive area.

See also What is Vocation?

Vocational guidance, in this sense, what it does is intervene to lead, favor and enrich this search, to avoid a failed choice and a consequent personal frustration.

The vocation is not necessarily something innate, but it is found throughout life, through self-knowledge and personal history: the tastes, hobbies, skills, important experiences of the person, etc.

Vocational guidance also can be assessed using questionnaires or psychological tests that allow knowing the aptitudes, interests, personality, sensitivity, etc., of the individual in relation to certain disciplines or professions.